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What to expect during your Permanent Makeup appointment

When you arrive for your appointment you will fill out paperwork that includes a medical history questionnaire, goes over any contraindications, and lists the possible (but not probable) side effects that can occur.

We will discuss your expectations of your brows as this is the most important aspect of the entire procedure. After going over your preferences your brows will be mapped out using the string method, and at this point you will get to approve or request any modifications. It is crucial that you love your shape and I will not start the tattooing process until you are 100% confident in them. Mapping is something that cannot be rushed as it is the foundation of the entire process.

From there we will work together to decide on a color that is best to suit you. After coming to a decision I will begin tattooing which will take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. My goal is to work conservatively as we can always add more during the touch up, we cannot take away.

Numbing is applied throughout to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. Pain is relevant and everyone has a different tolerance, however it is not uncommon for clients to take a little nap and get some relaxation in.

Before you leave we will schedule your touch up appointment for 6-8 weeks following the initial session. Your touch up will take less time than your first appointment but will allow us to make any adjustments and perfect your brows. Remember Rome was not built in a day and neither are your eyebrows! The pigment is something that needs to be built upon throughout the two sessions. Think of it as dying your hair blonde, it's a process to lighten it and takes more than one appointment.

We will go over the aftercare and you’ll be going home with instructions on how to take care of your new brows, along with an aftercare bag containing ointment and a few other goodies. You can expect the healing process to last about 10-14 days at most. With the Nano Brow technique the scabbing is very mild and isn’t as intense as getting Microblading done, which is a win in my book. I am happy to answer any questions you have before, during and after your appointment with me! It is my job to make sure you’re aware of the healing stages and set you up for success!

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